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Help this Alabama rock band with your vote B4 the end of the year in Montgomery, Alabama For Sale

Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Please take a minute and vote for the Florence/ Muscle Shoals band Strange Waves, and the song "Image", for the #1 song of xxxx on the Justin Wayne Radio show/podcast.
They are in 2nd place currently
They ranked first place for October's Top 10 songs, with 88 votes, (40%), and now each month's top songs (Jan-Nov), compete against each other for the best song of the year. Here is the link:
You can vote as many times as you're able to, on your smart phone, your home computer, at work or anywhere you have separate IP addresses, according to their own rules.
*It would be great to have a band from the Shoals win this.
They have song submissions from the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK.
Here's the song, "Image" -
Thank you
(xxxx's winner had well over 300 votes)

State: Alabama  City: Montgomery  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Alabama for sale

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